AM 2 aim to run Treatment Plant Operator Training for their customers every three years. This training not only focuses upon the high-pressure and low-pressure wood preservative products that they supply through their exclusive partnership with Arxada (Tanalith® and Vacsol®), it also looks at health and safety and treatment best practice.
Refresher training is something that is required for those supplying treated timber to the UK , which many of AM2 customers do. Unfortunately due to COVID 19 restrictions, the proposed date in 2021 had to be postponed. However, the revised training seminar took place in September in Riga with Arxada’s Dr. Mark Hull leading the training. Having worked for Arxada’s EIMEA Wood Protection business for nearly 25 years and currently holding the position of Senior Field Technical Services Manager, Mark shared his knowledge and experience on how treaters can achieve quality, cost effective treatments.

With 50 plant managers and plant operators attending, the training seminar was a great opportunity not only to learn about quality treatment processes, but for companies to share best practice. Raitis Ūdris of Priežavoti was one attendee and said of the training:
“In my view, the seminar organized by AM 2 is an investment in the company’s future. By learning the whole process ourselves, one – we will definitely be able to offer customers a better price for impregnation, and the second – time will be saved, which will be beneficial for both customers and ourselves.
During the training seminar, I learned much more about impregnation classes, about which I had previously been informed in a relatively general way. The most useful was information about the possibilities of impregnation materials (chemistry) and their diversity.”
To find out more about future Wood Protection training, please contact Viesturs Kalme by phone at 67353525 or e-mail [email protected]